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The Factors That Cause Poverty


The factors that cause poverty, in Indonesia the number of poor people according to Central BPS as of March 2020 is 26.42 million people. Factors causing poverty:

1.        Low Education

The first factor that causes poverty is the low level of education. As previously mentioned, education is a basic need that must be met by everyone. If a person does not meet their basic needs, it can be concluded that this is the cause of poverty. A low level of education results in a person who tends to lack sufficient skills, insights and knowledge for life.

As for the world of work and business, education is an asset to compete for future prosperity. Therefore, there is a lot of unemployment and the causes of poverty are caused by this low level of education.      

2.        Lazy to Work

The second factor that causes poverty is laziness to work. This is what most often affects someone who does not want to progress and thinks that poverty is destiny. These things make a person discouraged and indifferent to work, and lead them to poverty and make their welfare disappear. So that this factor can cause conditions of inability or poverty because there is no economic income to meet basic needs.

3.        Limited Natural Resources

The third factor causing poverty is limited natural resources. A society is usually hit by poverty, one of which is due to limited natural resources or sources of capital. This happens because the natural surroundings are no longer profitable, it can be said that the community is poor because their natural resources are poor. 
When natural resources are poor or cannot be processed again, that is one of the causes of poverty. Sometimes this is not the will of each person. It could happen because of a natural disaster that hit an area. Natural disasters will cause damage to all natural potentials, infrastructure and psychological conditions of the people affected.
Sometimes it will be overcome and sometimes no one can even do anything about it. To deal with the damage, it usually takes a very long time. In addition, from natural disasters, many people lost their belongings, so they fell into poverty immediately afterwards.

4.        Limited Employment Opportunities or Limited Working Field

The fourth factor that causes poverty is employment. With limited employment opportunities, people cannot meet their needs, because by working someone gets a wage that will be used to meet these basic needs.
Limited employment opportunities will carry the burden of poverty on the community. Someone can create new jobs, but the chances are very small for the poor because of limited skills and capital.
Many unemployed in a country can become poor people in a country. The greater the number of unemployed, the higher the poverty rate in that country. This can also be caused by economic instability and uncertainty over the direction of the country's politics and policies.

5.        Family Bure

The last factor that causes poverty is the burden of family life. This is also quite significant. When someone has a lot of family members to support, the burden of life of course increases too.
A person who has many family members, if it is not balanced with efforts to increase income, will cause poverty because the more family members, the more demands or burdens for life that must be fulfilled. That way a person is required to increase his income according to how many members he has to support.


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