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Stereotypes to Sundanese People

1.      The Stereotype of Sundanese Women "Matre" or Materialistic    

They have the most inherent negative stigma that they are materialistic women. Because of their gentle nature, and what they are when they say something, they are finally labeled as materialistic. In fact, some women in the world are like that, it's just the way of conveying it that makes Sundanese people often called materialistic. However, there are also many Sundanese people who are realistic in a way that feels adequate, thinks long and realizes that the reality of life is not only about today.

2.   The Stereotype of Sundanese Women Don't Want to be Invited by Their Husbands to have a Difficult Life or Hard Life

Historical example from Mrs. Inggit Garnasih, a native Sundanese woman from Banjaran. She was the wife of Bung Karno for a dozen years in very difficult conditions economically. Even  Mrs Inggit has to sell a lot of her belongings to support her husband's political career. However, she is extremely loyal to her husband. So, is it true that Sundanese women don't want their husbands to live hard?

3.      The Stereotype of Lazy Sundanese Man

In general, the Sundanese are known to be relaxed in overcoming problems or small things to big problems. From there, maybe people think that Sundanese people are lazy who take all problems lightly. In fact, many Sundanese people work hard and succeed in their jobs, are not lazy people.

Those are some of the Sundanese stereotypes, don’t immediately make decisions with these stereotypes, you must feel or see for yourself whether the stereotypes are true or not.
Thank you for reading my blog, I'm sorry if there are mistakes.
